Are you, or have you ever been, lonely? Yes or Yes? It’s important to know… you are not alone! Most of us struggle with loneliness one time or another and many struggle regularly. So, I am going to give you some ideas to help you combat loneliness.
I believe the last couple (few) years have caused many people to be lonely but those who live with an invisible illness or disability know loneliness much of the time.
We all isolate for different reasons. Perhaps out of fear or necessity. I tend to isolate because I get so overstemulated by noise, activity, lights, screen time, & even conversations! Which totally sucks because I am, naturally, a people person.
I’m no professional but I have, and do, deal with loneliness & believe at some point we all feel it & could use some ideas to combat loneliness.
The most important thing we can do is carve out time in our day/week/month to ensure we are socializing in some way. We NEED people and interaction so we need to be proactive & make this happen.
Here are some ideas I use and hope will help you combat loneliness.
Here we go…
Ideas to Combat Loneliness…
Practice Gratitude
When we focus on what we do have & what we can do, it shifts our mindset. This one thing has helped me the most. Do this daily. ?
When you wake up, say something you are grateful for. Nothing is too small. Then, when you go to bed name 3 things you are thankful for.
If you want change, keep a Gratitude Journal. There are many available to purchase or just grab a notebook. Just start. I offer a hard copy for sale or a free download, in PDF, if you’d like.
I feel this term gets a bad wrap because we are so conditioned to do do do… for everyone else!! BUT, if we don’t DO & CARE for ourselves we have nothing to give. So, find ways to rejuvenate YOU! Do something that makes your heart sing!
Some simple ideas may include… Journal, eat healthy, get 8 hours of sleep each night, say no when needed, exercise, enjoy quiet time, say NO, and go to the hot springs! There are soooo many more but that’s a blog for another time. ✨️
Giving of your time will not only help others but will help YOU. When we give of ourselves it fills us up. It may be something local or online.
There are so many great services that need volunteers. Perhaps… your local meals on wheels (delivering meals to shut ins &/or elderly), animal shelters (offer to be a dog walker), Keep book/score or work the concessionstand @ youth sports games/tournaments (parents would love to watch the game!), Visit seniors in a retirement home (many have NO visitors), volunteer at the local American Legion.
Whatever you choose, I believe, that giving of ourselves is one of the greatest ways to help combat loneliness for it fills my hrart & truly brings happiness!
Meet with friends
I know it is so hard at times but we must reach out.
Call a friend: keep a list in your ‘notes’ because when you’re feeling lonely, it’s easy to think ‘I have no friends’.
Try to meet, in person, with a friend 1x week, or at least every other. If in person is too difficult, schedule a zoom or FB messenger call.
Join a Club – Book, Art or Exercise
In person or online. This is a great way to meet and get to know others better. If in person is not possible, you can do with a few friends on Zoom!
If there are none, start your own. Meet in your local library, rec house or take turns at different homes.
Spread Kindness
Open a door, Take someone a meal, Shop for or Load groceries for an elderly person. SMILE! You’ll be amazed at the positive response.
Get Outside
We NEED fresh air and Vitamin D so get outside and move. Go for a walk, hike or just bask in the sunshine. So simple yet so critical.
Say Hello to a Stranger
There are no strangers. We’re all in this journey of life so let’s encourage each other and spread kindness.
In Idaho, We . Are . Friendly . We wave, we smile, we say hello, we give a finger (a finger, not the finger ?). Our finger is the index finger giving a friendly howdy and welcome.
THIS is so fun! I love saying hi to strangers and seeing their expressions. Sometimes it generates a look of confusion but it is usually followed by a big smile & happy hello back!
To Combat Loneliness, Find Your Tribe
In person or online but find your tribe! It’s important to connect and/or stay connected to those we cannot see often and feel a sense of belonging… which we all need!
Find a tribe, those you can relate to and connect with. Maybe it’s within a FB Group or perhaps you start a monthly game night. THIS has been my sanity saver over the years.
When my boys were young, I started a ‘Mom’s Group’ that met weekly with regular field trips and adventures. These women are still dear friends. And, as an adult, I was invited to join a monthly Ladies Game Night that changed my life. Even though I have moved, these ladies ARE MY TRIBE. The love and support we still share is unbreakable.
You are always welcome to join our tribe. Find us in the public Grit, Grace and Gratitude Facebook Group. I’d love to have ya!
Start a Blog to Combat Loneliness
Get it ALL out. This is a great way to get all the feels out; to really be free to express yourself. And, perhaps get to know yourself. I know it has helped me.
It’s also a great way to connect with like minded people.
Find Joy in the Simple Things
THIS. IS. MY. SAVING. GRACE. !!! I have learned, through my trials, to enjoy the simple beauties life offers. The beautiful skies… sunsets, sunrises, mountains and cloud formations; enjoying the quiet beauty from my porch, enjoying the quiet and nature; watching & listening to the wind in the trees. All the things! ❤ You can see my story here.
Two Very Important Keys to Combating Loneliness…
Spend Time in The Word
If you don’t have a relationship with The Lord, God, Jesus… get one. He IS the constant. My constant. The one who loves you unconditionally and will NEVER leave you. He has seen me through the most difficult of trials, my most lonely of moments and depths of dispair. In Him I have found my value, purpose, hope & strength, in the midst of my weakness.
Here is a site with some scriptures on loneliness.
In Order to Combat Loneliness, Realize… You Get What You Put In
Mindset is EVERYTHING! Let me repeat that. MINDSET IS EVERYTHING so pay attention to what and how you are thinking. Only read, watch and listen to things that build you up and help you be the woman you want to be. Hang around people that do the same.
One thing that ALL OF THESE ideas have in common is… YOU MUST TAKE ACTION TO COMBAT LONELINESS. Be proactive, be ready when loneliness strikes because we all know it’s coming. If you are ready, it will not knock you down and/or send you to a dark place!
Thank you for letting me be vulnerable enough to share my heart and thoughts with you.
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